2013 年 2013 巻 DOCMAS-005 号 p. 06-
This paper describes a crowd simulation with various parameter values for each pedestrian defined in the Helbing 's model, which represents a pedestrian as a molecular and calculates a compound force of the pedestrian. This applies many parameters to the pedestrian's force model, but most researches assign the same values into all pedestrians, because of simplicity. An actual crowd, however, has so many parameters assigned to the pedestrians, that the total behavior might be much different from the behavior with the identical parameters. This research, therefore, observed actual pedestrians waking on a street corner at Kichijo-ji, analyzed the detail behaviors using the video camera, and extracted appropriate parameters in the Helbing 's model for each pedestrian. The extracted parameters were assigned to simulation agents to reproduce a crowd behavior on computer. This simulation achieved the pedestrian crowd more accurately, in which they behave diversely and dynamically.