Online ISSN : 2436-5556
RGoal Architecture: 再帰的にサブゴールを設定できる階層型強化学習アーキテクチャ
一杉 裕志高橋 直人中田 秀基佐野 崇
研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

2018 年 2018 巻 AGI-009 号 p. 05-


Humans can set suitable subgoals in order to achieve some purposes, and furthermore, can set sub-subgoals recursively if needed. It seems that the depth of the recursion is unlimited. Inspired by this behavior, we have designed a new hierarchical reinforcement learning architecture, the RGoal architecture. The algorithm is designed to solve the MDP on the augmented state- action space. The action-value function becomes shareable among multi-tasks due to the value function decomposition. The sharing accelerates learning in multi-task setting. The mechanism named "think-mode" is a kind of model-based reinforcement learning. It combines learned simple tasks in order to solve inexperienced complicated tasks quickly, or in zero-shot in some cases. The algorithm is realized by a flat table and repetition of simple operations, without a stack. Hereafter, we will extend this architecture, and will build the model of the information processing mechanism of the prefrontal cortex in the brain.

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