Online ISSN : 2436-5556
Instruction Followingにおけるサブタスクへの分割と抽象化された行動の予測による長い行動系列への頑健性の向上
篠田 一聡竹澤 祐貴鈴木 雅大岩澤 有祐松尾 豊
研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

2020 年 2020 巻 AGI-016 号 p. 03-


To make it possible for non-experts to operate a robot in a human environment, instruction following, that is to operate a robot by natural language instructions, is focused on. Recently ALFRED dataset is released. The ALFRED dataset is the first large dataset annotated with high-level instructions specifying the task and low-level instructions on the action to be taken at each step by the robot. The robot aims to achieve the task while observing a photo-realistic image and interacting with objects in this environment. It requires long steps to achieve these tasks. But the baseline of ALFRED is not robust to a long horizontal setting. In this work, we aim to build a robot that follows natural language instructions in a realistic environment using the recently released ALFRED dataset. We propose the method to split the task into easier sub-tasks utilizing natural language instructions and the method to use the auxiliary task predicting abstract high-level actions to make the robot robust for a long-horizontal setting. Our experiments show that our methods improve the task success rate.

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